US Represented

US Represented


Hemp Is the Future of Paper

Despite the prevalence of digital information exchange, paper is still widely used in North America, for anything from wedding invitations to ballot mail-ins to arts & crafts. According to the Forest Ethics organization, paper consumption in North America has declined, but global paper consumption has increased. However, despite the decrease in consumption, North America still

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Saving Sequoia National Park

As a result of years of devastating wildfires, the native sequoia trees in Sequoia National Park face the threat of extinction. These ancient, resilient trees have survived thousands of years of damage, but an unprecedented increase in wildfires has led to their dwindling population. The wildfires have destroyed a significant portion of Sequoia National Park,

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Vacant Lots: A Butterfly Hunter Considers the Sacred

The simplest definition of “sacred” in the Oxford English Dictionary has always seemed to me to be “set apart,” and that’s probably why I’ve never felt very happy with the word. I’ve never much liked the idea of things being “set apart.” Somehow, in my staunchly Republican family, I acquired a stubborn egalitarianism. But I

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